2018 Fall Trail Cleanup

Hi Everyone,

Its that time of the year and our trails need some TLC.  If you have the time and the energy, please volunteer to help on any of the following projects:

Thursday, 10/4, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Parcel Posting, Longstreth property

The land trust owns a beautiful almost 60 acre parcel on top of Red Mountain.  Its land locked, and is mostly only accessible by using an abandoned town road recreational trail.  We visited it this spring to identify and geolocate the parcels survey pins.  Now its time to post the property so people know where the border of the property is.  It will be about 4 miles of walking.  If you are interested in learning about surveys, locating borders and navigating a property using your iPhone, this walk is for you.

Friday, 10/5, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Trail walk, Paley Schwartz Goodbody Preserve

This almost 110 acre preserve is a stunningly beautiful gem with amazing views of Sharon Valley at the top of the Paley field.  This spring, we recently rediscovered a 1 mile there-and-back trail on the property with a beautiful view of the Millerton Valley at the top.  Since then, we have been designing an extension that would make the trail into a 3 mile loop trail and add another stunning view of Mudge Pond.  This Friday, Maria Grace, our Executive Director, and I will be walking the old and proposed new trail.  This trail building project will be a ton of fun and if you are interested in finding out about it, just let us know and feel free to tag along.

Friday, 10/5, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. – Property Cleanup, Poehler Property

We were recently gifted a beautiful 5 acre property on top of Ellsworth.  Unfortunately, the previous owner left a small patch of flower pots and we plan to put them in garbage bags and bring them to the transfer station.  Many hands make light work, and you would be doing us a great favor in helping to get this property back into good shape.

Monday, 10/8, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Mary Moore Trail Cleanup

This is one of our favorite trails and it needs our help to get it cleaned up.  We will be walking up the 1.5 miles of trail from Williams Rd to the peak of Mary Moore Preserve and back with trail work tools, cutting back vegetation and removing downed branches.  It should be a fun and beautiful walk.

Tuesday, 10/9, 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Wike Connector Trail and Hamlin Ridge Trail Cleanup

This new trail system is young and probably needs a hair cut.  We will be walking up the 1.5 miles of trail from White Hollow Rd, cleaning south along the new Wike Connector Trail, then north along the Hamlin Ridge Trail and back with trail work tools, cutting back vegetation and removing downed branches.  It should be a fun and beautiful walk.

Wednesday, 10/10, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Hamlin Bear Trail Cleanup

This fun new trail has everything from stream crossings to ridge runs.  Its new, so it needs a bit more work every time we clean.  We will be walking up the 1 mile of trail from Stonehouse Road, up the mountain to the start of the ridge trail and back with trail work tools, cutting back vegetation and removing downed branches.  It should be a fun and beautiful walk.

Thursday, 10/11, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Sharon Mountain Preserve Trail Cleanup

One of the most enjoyable loop trails on our trail network, Sharon Mtn is a beautiful preserve with a loop trail around a pond, surrounded by ridges.  The walk will be 2 miles long, and  we will bring trail work tools, cutting back vegetation and removing downed branches.  It should be a fun and beautiful walk.

Friday, 10/12, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. – Benton Hill Trail Cleanup and sign install

Our newest trail is about to be open to the public, and before we do, it needs to be walked and cleaned up one last time.  As well as cleaning, we need to install trail head and trail intersection signs.  The walk will be 2 miles long, and  we will bring trail work tools, cutting back vegetation and removing downed branches.  It should be a fun and beautiful walk.

If you want to help with any of these projects, please email me, timhunter@sharonlandtrust.org.  Please visit our trailwork information page for more information on how to prepare: https://sharonlandtrust.org/trail-work-resources/

Best Wishes,

Tim Hunter
Land Steward