The Sharon Land Trust is always in need of volunteers! We are happy to match a volunteer project to fit your interest—after all, Land Trust volunteers are the backbone of our great organization. We have many projects during the year that need help, including…

Land Monitoring
Each time the land trust accepts a conservation easement, we also accept the legal responsibility to carry out the donor’s desires and the terms of the easement forever. Our monitoring program is designed to ensure that the Sharon Land Turst fulfills its responsibility for guarding against easement violations. Land Trust volunteers carry out periodic monitoring inspections, walking properties to check and mark boundaries, pick up litter, and watch for problems with erosion, dumping, unauthorized logging or other issues. They then file a simple report.
The Sharon Land Trust oversees 25 miles of hiking trails across 10 public preserves, and each one is maintained by volunteers. (Plus, we’re adding more every year!) Trail crews help build new trails and maintain existing ones. During trail work, volunteers learn about the steps involved in designing a trail and how to construct devices like treadways, side hilling, contour dips, steps, bridges, sign poles and more. At the beginning of each project, Land Trust employees and lead volunteers give a safety overview of proper attire, tool handling, tick and sun protection, etc. And after a trail work day, volunteers usually enjoy a meal by the trail!

Invasive Control
Like most communities throughout the US, we are plagued by many invasive plants, and every year they spread further and further, strangling out our beautiful native plants. Volunteers who help control invasives with us learn about identification and proper control methods for many types of invasive species. If you like getting your boots dirty—and learning more about our unique ecology—this is an invaluable experience.