The Sharon Land Trust was incorporated on October 14, 1982. Although the Land Trust received gifts and easements during the 1980’s, it did not take a proactive approach to land preservation until the late 1990’s, when the beautiful Twin Oaks field was threatened with development. The Sharon Land Trusts board of directors reached out to the Sharon community and asked for donations to purchase the 70-acre property to preserve the site for future generations to enjoy. Residents responded generously and enthusiastically, and the Sharon Land Trust bought the field on April 7, 1998. This catapulted Sharon Land Trust into a new era of protecting properties throughout the town through conservation easement or purchase.
Today, the Sharon Land Trust holds conservation easements on more than 2,008 acres and owns more than 1,682 acres. This land will remain open and protected in perpetuity for wildlife habitat and migration corridors, to absorb carbon to help mitigate the effects of a changing climate, for agriculture to protect food systems, and for hiking and recreation so that everyone can enjoy a quiet moment in nature.